The impending future of Marvel draws near, as two legendary time-travelling X-Men, Cable and Bishop, are set to experience the dawn of a new era on Earth-616 in the upcoming “Timeslide.” This addition to Marvel’s annual “Timeless” one-shots offers tantalizing previews of forthcoming events, introduces new heroes, and unveils thrilling narratives set to unfold in 2025.
In recent years, Marvel’s “Timeless” one-shots have captured audiences not only with their own gripping tales, such as last year’s intense showdown between Power Man and Moon Knight, but also by hinting at adventures yet to come.
Penned by Steve Foxe (known for “Dark X-Men”) and illustrated by Ivan Fiorelli (celebrated for “Fantastic Four”), with a stunning cover by Kael Ngu, “Timeslide” brings together former adversaries Bishop and Cable. These cherished heroes must confront a foe determined to wipe mutantkind from history, compelling them to traverse time in a desperate bid to save their people.
An X-Man from the future emerges in the present, bearing a grave warning: a highly advanced adversary of mutantkind is devouring time, seeking to prevent the X-Gene from ever developing. Only Bishop and Cable can halt this temporal predator’s plan—if they can endure working together long enough. Join them as they journey through past, present, and beyond futures.
Cable and Bishop: A Desperate Mission to Save Mutantkind
But can they endure each other’s company long enough to succeed?
The last collaboration between Cable and Bishop was witnessed in Deniz Camp’s “Children of the Vault,” where their volatile alliance led to the solo defeat of the Children. This was a remarkable demonstration of their potential when united. “Timeslide” introduces an unidentified X-Man from the future—possibly from the 2099 universe—who travels back to alert Cable and Bishop of a “chronal predator” attempting to thwart the X-Gene’s evolution in ancient times.
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Writer Steve Foxe describes this time-consuming villain as a “new threat,” though it might be a reimagined version of a past nemesis, like the highly advanced sentient bacteria Sublime. While Foxe assures that “Timeslide” will reveal visions of Marvel narratives across Earth-616, he emphasizes that Bishop and Cable’s story will herald exciting developments for the X-Men universe. Previous “Timeless” one-shots have foreshadowed intriguing future events—such as the scandalous union of Emma Frost and Tony Stark—months in advance, leaving fans eagerly anticipating the official storyline releases.
Marvel Teams Embark on New Eras with Significant Arcs
From the Avengers to the X-Men, everyone is embarking on fresh journeys
As the Krakoan Era of the X-Men concludes with the relaunch under the “From the Ashes” label, numerous other Marvel teams and events are also beginning anew this fall. Cable and Bishop might witness various future scenarios for Marvel’s heroes, from developments affecting Iron Man’s new West Coast Avengers to the ongoing Venom War, or even a sneak peek at the next major crossover event. Heroism is ceaseless in the Marvel Universe, and Bishop and Cable are set to witness this truth firsthand.
Don’t miss “Timeslide” #1, featuring X-Men heroes Cable and Bishop, for an exhilarating preview of Marvel’s 2025 offerings.
Source: Marvel Entertainment
“Timeslide” #1 from Marvel Comics is set to debut on December 25th, 2024.