*New Champions* is an upcoming Marvel series that spotlights a new team of young superheroes, originally introduced as sidekicks. Freed from Hydra's control, characters like Liberty, Hellrune, Cadet Marvel, and Moon Squire now face the threat of the Cult of Hela. With writing by Steve Foxe and art by Ivan Fiorelli, the series promises action and intrigue, and fans eagerly anticipate potential interactions with established heroes like Kamala Khan's Champions. The series launches on January 8th, 2025.
The "Raid on Graymalkin" crossover event marks a dramatic turning point for Marvel's X-Men, as Cyclops and Rogue's teams clash in a high-stakes battle to free imprisoned mutants, setting the stage for transformative changes in the mutant saga.
Magneto's new design in the X-Men series signals a looming threat to mutants and an emotional evolution for him. As he grapples with physical frailty and redundancy, his mysterious condition hints at a larger danger potentially orchestrated by a shadowy council. This sets the stage for a pivotal emotional journey impacting the entire X-Men team, explored in "X-Men #4," releasing September 18, 2024.
Scarlett #5 concludes the G.I. Joe series with a thrilling and violent climax, revealing the enigmatic Inochi No-Ken's true power and its potential link to the Energon Universe, setting the stage for future developments in the shared universe.
The newly released trailer for Blue Lock season two teases a high-stakes soccer match against Japan's U-20 team, with the future of the Blue Lock project on the line. Launching on October 5, 2024, on Crunchyroll, this season promises intense action and emotional drama as familiar faces and new characters vie for victory.
Marvel's new series, "Sabretooth: The Dead Don't Talk," celebrates Wolverine's 50th anniversary by delving into Sabretooth's past in early 1900s New York. Written by Frank Tieri, it promises a thrilling blend of history and comic action, exploring Sabretooth's rise in the criminal underworld and offering fresh insights into his rivalry with Wolverine.
Barbarella returns in a new Dynamite Entertainment series, blending metahumor and social satire to revitalize the iconic 1960s hero for a modern audience. Written by Blake Northcott and illustrated by Anna Morozova, the series critiques and celebrates sci-fi and action genres, challenging stereotypes and offering a fresh, thoughtful adventure. Available October 2, 2024.
ONE, the creator of One Punch Man, introduces a new supernatural comedy manga, Bug Ego, serialized monthly in Ultra Jump. This promising series, featuring high school students exploring reality's glitches, is gaining attention for its unique blend of horror, comedy, and absurdity, potentially becoming ONE's next major success.
In Avengers (2023) #18, the Avengers face a colossal threat from Hyperion, a Superman-like entity from an alternate reality, who intends to destroy Earth. With the recent addition of Storm, an Omega Level mutant, the team hopes to counter his unstoppable power. Meanwhile, the multiverse hints at a possible solution with the potential return of a heroic Hyperion from past storylines.
A cosplayer has unveiled an innovative Flash costume that surpasses previous live-action portrayals by blending elements from the DCEU and Arrowverse, setting a new standard for future cinematic adaptations of the iconic speedster.