The final installment of the "Destro" miniseries sets the stage for an epic confrontation with Cobra Commander, leading into the upcoming Energon Universe. As alliances shift and betrayals abound, Destro returns from presumed death to reclaim MARS Industries, sparking a battle over control of the global arms market and Energon. The series explores enduring rivalries and the volatility of villainous alliances within the G.I. Joe universe.
DC's ALL IN initiative elevates Booster Gold from comic relief to a pivotal hero, bridging the DC Universe and the new Absolute Universe, marking a major narrative shift.
*Legend of Kingdom Come* is a Kickstarter-backed documentary celebrating Alex Ross's groundbreaking work on the iconic DC Comics series *Kingdom Come*. Directed by Remsy Atassi, it delves into Ross’s artistic legacy through insights from industry legends like Paul Dini and Mark Waid. The film offers fans exclusive incentives and marks the near 30th anniversary of *Kingdom Come*, highlighting Ross's enduring influence on comic book storytelling.
A thrilling new comic crossover between Sonic the Hedgehog and the Justice League is set to debut in March 2025, merging iconic characters from both universes into dynamic new roles, with Sonic as the Flash and Knuckles as Superman. This collaboration between SEGA and DC Comics promises exciting storylines, merchandise, and extended adventures through 2026, captivating fans with imaginative character mashups and interactions.
Marvel introduces a striking new costume for Storm, marking her ascent as a leading superhero in her solo series and as an Avenger, with "Storm #2" showcasing her evolution into a Marvel icon.
In *Detective Comics*, Batman faces a crucial decision as he's offered a mysterious serum to reverse aging. As his age begins to impact his heroic duties, Bruce Wayne must weigh the risks and consequences of this potential rejuvenation. The storyline explores the complexities of this choice and what Batman might sacrifice to regain his former vitality.
The Werewolf by Night series introduces a new cult aiming to recreate the Darkhold, setting the stage for a major mystical showdown in the Marvel Universe. Jack Russell and Elsa Bloodstone investigate the origins of Jack's curse while confronting The Hood and his Darkholders, who seek to harness Chthon's power. This narrative promises a climactic battle and significant developments in Marvel's mystical lore.
*X-Force #3* marks a pivotal shift in the X-Men franchise, challenging Charles Xavier's vision and exploring its negative legacy on mutantkind. As part of the "From the Ashes" era, this issue critiques Xavier's teachings and recontextualizes past stories, offering fresh perspectives through Forge's new team. The narrative invites fans to rethink the X-Men's history and future beyond Xavier's shadow.
In *Absolute Power: Task Force VII #7*, DC's international heroes unite to tackle a global crisis following the Justice League's fall, showcasing a diverse lineup of defenders across multiple continents as they confront the formidable Global Guardian, a Martian Manhunter-inspired Amazo.
"Two-Face" is a new DC Comics series that follows Harvey Dent's return to law, defending Gotham's supervillains. Part of the All In initiative, it explores his duality and potential redemption amidst Gotham's criminal chaos.