Barbarella returns in a new Dynamite Entertainment series, blending metahumor and social satire to revitalize the iconic 1960s hero for a modern audience. Written by Blake Northcott and illustrated by Anna Morozova, the series critiques and celebrates sci-fi and action genres, challenging stereotypes and offering a fresh, thoughtful adventure. Available October 2, 2024.
In Avengers (2023) #18, the Avengers face a colossal threat from Hyperion, a Superman-like entity from an alternate reality, who intends to destroy Earth. With the recent addition of Storm, an Omega Level mutant, the team hopes to counter his unstoppable power. Meanwhile, the multiverse hints at a possible solution with the potential return of a heroic Hyperion from past storylines.
Marvel Comics' latest *Star Wars* comic, *The Battle of Jakku – Insurgency Rising #1*, explores the aftermath of Emperor Palpatine's fall and the ensuing power vacuum within the Empire. This new storyline introduces a potential new threat to the New Republic, bridging the narrative gap between the Original and Sequel trilogies, while embracing the franchise's theme of cyclical destiny. The comic is set for release on October 2, 2024.