The Return of The New Gods to DC Comics
This year heralds the return of Jack Kirby’s legendary New Gods to DC Comics, reimagined by the notable creative duo of Ram V and Evan Cagle. The saga of New Genesis and Apokolips re-emerges, confronting the death of an elder deity and the threat of a rising cosmic legion.
A Modern Revival of Classic Characters
Scheduled for release this December, The New Gods #1 introduces revitalized character designs by Evan Cagle, seamlessly blending the timeless essence of Kirby’s creations with contemporary flair.
A Universe-Spanning Conflict
From the available previews, it’s evident that this new Fourth World narrative is anything but modest. It promises to weave a storyline with consequences reaching across the entire DC Universe. Metron, with his foretelling visions, is bound to serve as a compelling narrative device, hinting at a grander tale unfolding throughout the series.
An Anticipated Relaunch
Revitalizing Jack Kirby’s Fourth World
The Fourth World was born when Jack Kirby transitioned from Marvel to DC in 1970, bringing along a treasure trove of fresh concepts. Although the original saga was brief, its characters, especially the formidable Darkseid, have endured, becoming central figures within the DC Universe.
DC's 10 Most Powerful New Gods (Ranked Weakest To Strongest)
In an interview with Screen Rant, Ram V highlighted Kirby’s prolific creativity, noting his penchant for introducing a new idea with every couple of panels. The current creative team is poised to draw inspiration not only from Kirby’s original vision but also from modern interpretations of the Fourth World, such as the revelation of Big Barda and Mister Miracle’s son. This plot point, introduced in Tom King and Mitch Gerads’ award-winning series from 2017-2018, adds layers of intrigue to the unfolding narrative.
A New Challenge for DC’s Pantheon
The Creative Collaboration of Ram V and Evan Cagle
Ram V and Evan Cagle, celebrated for their work on the creator-owned series Dawn Runner, bring their dynamic synergy to the New Gods reboot. Their collaboration promises to explore a vast array of characters and ideas from Kirby’s expansive imagination. Fans can take solace in knowing that these iconic creations are entrusted to adept hands as the new series debuts.
Exploring the Mythos of The Fourth World
The Fourth World has long been speculated to have origins as a prospective storyline in Jack Kirby’s Thor, envisaging the downfall of Asgardian deities and the rise of new gods.
The New Gods #1 will be available from DC Comics on December 15, 2024.